Thursday, September 4, 2014

Were Unions Ever Necessary Part Two

There are many myths out there that have been built up into the general psyche.  One of them is that even though, unions aren't necessary today, there was one point in industrialization where they were, to protect us from the robber baron.  Another myth is that the robber barons, would've just kept all the money for themselves, and created monopolies to charge what they wanted.  I will be debunking both of these myths.

These lies are pervasive and has been built up by the unions.  They've rewritten history to try and change the future.  Unions were (and largely still are) throw backs to mercantilism - they seek crony protectionism, to protect the tradesmen from competition, and harm both the producer and the consumer. They are in fact enemies of free market capitalism.  During the Industrial Revolution, people could suddenly gain skills and money without belonging to a trade union.  The trade unions responded to this threat with lies.  That the immigrants (legal at the time) we're stealing jobs.  That the minorities were stealing jobs.  The Marxist agitators latched onto this myth machine and started espousing that the great business men, were in face "Robber Barons."

They built up the big lie about the "Robber Barons"- people being abused by them, and them abusing other businesses.  Upton Sinclair, gladly played the useful idiot for the unions with his anti capitalist book, "The Jungle".  He proclaimed that "Capitalism is a jungle.", it's every man for himself.  Capitalism in fact is the very opposite of a jungle, and is the very highest form of voluntary cooperation.  Capitalism and free trade, and the ability to change our careers during a lifetime (something unions don't want!) is what separates us from the jungle.  We are capable of shaping our world, and voluntarily cooperating with other people that we would otherwise not get along with.

One of the most brilliant arguments for free market capitalism, is the poem, "I Am Pencil."  Watch this version below;

Milton Friedman also brilliantly debunks the Robber Barons, in this piece;

In the end, capitalism provides choice and liberty, unions take away choice and liberty.  You can re-read my part 1 of this topic here.  I started with a picture of a marxist occupier, many probably won't understand the connection.  The connection, is obvious if you think about it.  Unions today proclaim a job is a right, and you deserve a minimum wage.

You don't  DESERVE anything.  You have to earn, everything.  Capitalism does work, it's the system most compatible with human nature.  The reason why, is it's God's law.  Private property, and human interaction is what God wants.  He wants you to specialize, and then change to what other people need.

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