Thursday, September 11, 2014

5 Ways President Bush Was Better Than President Obama

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Were Unions Ever Necessary Part Two

There are many myths out there that have been built up into the general psyche.  One of them is that even though, unions aren't necessary today, there was one point in industrialization where they were, to protect us from the robber baron.  Another myth is that the robber barons, would've just kept all the money for themselves, and created monopolies to charge what they wanted.  I will be debunking both of these myths.

These lies are pervasive and has been built up by the unions.  They've rewritten history to try and change the future.  Unions were (and largely still are) throw backs to mercantilism - they seek crony protectionism, to protect the tradesmen from competition, and harm both the producer and the consumer. They are in fact enemies of free market capitalism.  During the Industrial Revolution, people could suddenly gain skills and money without belonging to a trade union.  The trade unions responded to this threat with lies.  That the immigrants (legal at the time) we're stealing jobs.  That the minorities were stealing jobs.  The Marxist agitators latched onto this myth machine and started espousing that the great business men, were in face "Robber Barons."

They built up the big lie about the "Robber Barons"- people being abused by them, and them abusing other businesses.  Upton Sinclair, gladly played the useful idiot for the unions with his anti capitalist book, "The Jungle".  He proclaimed that "Capitalism is a jungle.", it's every man for himself.  Capitalism in fact is the very opposite of a jungle, and is the very highest form of voluntary cooperation.  Capitalism and free trade, and the ability to change our careers during a lifetime (something unions don't want!) is what separates us from the jungle.  We are capable of shaping our world, and voluntarily cooperating with other people that we would otherwise not get along with.

One of the most brilliant arguments for free market capitalism, is the poem, "I Am Pencil."  Watch this version below;

Milton Friedman also brilliantly debunks the Robber Barons, in this piece;

In the end, capitalism provides choice and liberty, unions take away choice and liberty.  You can re-read my part 1 of this topic here.  I started with a picture of a marxist occupier, many probably won't understand the connection.  The connection, is obvious if you think about it.  Unions today proclaim a job is a right, and you deserve a minimum wage.

You don't  DESERVE anything.  You have to earn, everything.  Capitalism does work, it's the system most compatible with human nature.  The reason why, is it's God's law.  Private property, and human interaction is what God wants.  He wants you to specialize, and then change to what other people need.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Short Story Hour Part 1

Monster Hunter

    I arrived early morning at the entrance to the city of Purlinska. The Sun had just begun to shine over the furthest mountain peak. It looked like it was going to be a warm autumn day. As I walked through the town toward my destination of the Chapel, I noticed the townspeople averting their gaze from me.  It did not matter much to me though, most Monster Hunters, were hated in any part of the world.  I approached the front of the chapel, cliche as chapels go, with a quaint little graveyard behind it.  I walked up to the wide double doors and pushed them inwards.  Few people inside near the back had their hands clasped together, and heads bowed.  At the front of the chapel was the Father.  I walked towards him and let the doors swing shut behind me.

As I drew nearer to him, he looked up at me then asked, “Are you seeking God my son?”
I replied in cold tone, “No Father.” Then added, “I’m here for the same reason you are.”
He smiled starkly, then replied, “I suppose I should have known you were the Hunter we sent for.”  He gave me a once over then added, “Come, follow me I’ll discuss the details of your job.”

    He left the pulpit and started heading towards his chamber. I followed him, and then walked in as he held the door open for me. He closed the door and went to sit behind his desk, his black robes swaying as he walked.
“Please sit down,” he said gesturing towards the seat on the other side of the desk.
I obliged him, sitting in the hard wicker chair across from him. “So what are the details of this job?” I queried him.
The father furrowed his brow together. “I guess introductions are out of the question?”
I smiled at him. “Names are too formal for the work I do.”
“Well then, shall we discuss why your here?” The father replied hastily, shuffling paperwork on his desk.
“By all means.” I replied, urging him to continue.
The father stood up and walked up to face the window, his robes brushing against the wicker chair as he moved. “Well this quiet town has a horrifying secret…” He started.
“On the night of Hallows Eve, the dead rise from their tombs and devour the living.” He turned deliberately to see my response.

My face as stone cold.remained statuesque.  As a Monster Hunter I had become used to these ‘strange’ happenings.  It seems lately they were increasing in frequency.  In my mind it was abnormal to cling on to the old world.  Sanity and normality had been vanquished by the creatures that go bump in the night.

“When will I receive payment?” I asked him before he could continue.
“After you stop the zombies. Find out what is causing them to awaken.” The Father replied to me.
I smiled, and stood up.. “ I’ll take the job and find the source of your zombies.” After replying bluntly, I got up and strided out of the room, and towards the exit of the Church.

    I figured the best way to find out the source of the zombies was to sit in the graveyard in a hidden place to see if I could see anything suspicious.  There was something off about the father, that raised my suspicions, that I’d be dealing with more than just the normal supernatual Zombie.  After nightfall, I snuck into the graveyard, hiding behind a large bush that was next to a mausoleum.  Seconds quickly turned into minutes, and minutes quickly turned into hours.  I was about to abandon my post, when I heard someone talking.  Either, this church has the first ever talking Zombie, or something more sinister was going on.  The sound become more guttural, than human, almost sounding like some sort of rhythmic chanting. I tried getting a better look through the bushes. It looked like the Father, I had spoken to earlier was out with some young clergyman, reading from a book.

I stood up and said, “Well Father what a surprise.”

As he turned towards me, it was almost like his eyes and mouth were writhing like a livnig thing.  He finished facing me, revealing a face flickering in the light of the fire, twisted like the gnarled branches of an old tree.  It took only a moment to realize that, either the Father was some sort of demon, or this wasn't the Father.

He looked up at me snarling angrily, “You fool, what are you doing here!”
I pointed at him and replied, “looking for your zombies.”
“So what are you doing here in the graveyard then?” he asked me.

At this point I was about to point out the obvious nature of zombies hanging out in graveyards, that was until a hand popped out of the grave close to my feet, reaching for me!  It took only another heartbeat for the creatures decayed head to emerge from the grave.  I started to back up to get some room to get my weapons ready, when I heard the ground behind me shift.  Shit.  They were everywhere.  I lunged backwards and tumbled right over a gravestone, into an empty grave.

“GROUAH!”, one of the two zombies screeched.

An eternity passed as my heart beat faster.

Another eternity passed, my heart speeding up.

The father's head poked over the top of the grave.

“GUAAHHH!!” I screamed.  He smiled even more impishly than should be possible, his face writhing in the light.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Social Justice Part III

First read my prior works in this series - Social Justice Part I, and Social Justice Part II.

In my two prior pieces on social justice, I discussed how such ideas are antithetical to Judeo-Christian values.  In this piece I'm going to talk about the results of those good intentions.  Repeated failures that are continually ignored by the Utopian left as they shove their fantasy down our throats.

Interestingly, when society ignores the bible's values on private property rights, and admonitions against theft, (taxation is theft) the society begins to crumble.  America has recent experience with such failures.  The Plymouth colony, that William Bradford founded started with _no_ private property rights.  It was all communal.  He like modern day social justice, anti property rights Christians, misunderstood the Bible and Christ.  Ask yourself an obvious question, if God wanted us to live with no property rights, shouldn't natural law support such behavior?  If God wanted us to have communal property and to be interchangeable bricks in the wall, wouldn't such behavior succeed in reality?

When societies reject Private Property over the "common good", the result is abundance of misery and despair.  Is that what God wants?  for everyone in society to suffer?  If Bradford's experiment in rejecting Private Property was alone, it'd be easy to say, "We just need the right person to lead our centrally planned society!".  Who is that right person?  Why are you so quick to abandon the personal sovereignty that God granted you?  The uneducated masses always forget history, and are always rife to repeat it.

These people are waiting in line for toilet paper! Go Socialism!
Venezuela has decided to chase after Utopia.  They've abandoned property rights- now they can't get
enough toilet paper to clean up the mess they've created.  They've abandoned individual sovereignty - as a direct result crime towards other men and women is on the rise.  All of this makes sense, from a biblical world view.  When you reject the moral value of private property, people also abandond common decency toward others.  The civil society breaks down, as it's replaced with stealing and looting and raping others.

That's always the end result of Social Justice.  The natural world and natural law backs up God's words in the bible. He didn't want you to be envious of the rich, to have Government steal their wealth.  It's amazing to me, even the Pope buys into this marxist agitprop. Christ, clearly states; "There will always be poor people.".  Do you believe the bible is the word of God or not, you social justice espousing Jews and Christians?  Even for those that don't believe in the bible, natural law shows that their theories of humanity don't work.  They lead to misery and poverty.  Capitalism, especially the maligned "unbridled" capitalism, lead to great advancements in human interaction with one another.

There's nothing greater than the voluntary interaction between two people in capitalism.  Between the baker and the customer.  Between the fry cook and his or her customer.  Voluntary interactions bring together people that probably ordinarily hate one another.  That's the system the left wants to destroy?