The minimum wage is a socialist policy. Any time the Government tries to exert force over the market, it's socialism. The vast majority of business leaders start at the bottom.
(which is made up of individuals), it's exerting tyranny over the people. Minimum wage controls, do not help disperse poverty, or increase the labor force. They decrease the labor force, increase poverty, and decrease future business leadership.
Higher minimum wages lead directly to the rise in unemployment. (Fox Business News, source of image)
I have much more to say about the minimum wage, and why it's unnecessary and will do so in a future blog post. Briefly, it doesn't fix poverty, it displaces labor, it creates grey and black markets for labor. Since the Republicans supported the minimum wage increase then, why don't they know? Do they hate the poor, like the left proclaims?
Henry J. Kaiser Foundation |
2) Bush's policies of Medicare Part D and Various Federal aid programs, that Democrats complain about, but refuse to repeal.
Throughout the 2006 to 2010 election cycle the Democrats complained 1). This includes the Iraq War and Medicare Part D. Medicare Part D, for all intents and purposes is another 800 pound gorilla of debt. Like Obamacare, if not cut it will bankrupt America. The Bush administration over eight years added 33% to the national debt (by 2012).
The Democrats don't really want to cut it, they just use it as a wedge issue, to blame Republicans for massive spending. As far as African aid goes, it would be better spent from the private sector. Most government aid, to every country is wasted money. It's also the reason those countries don't spend the free money very well.
As well meaning as all of these programs are, they become more and more unsustainable as we go forward. It doesn't matter which party passes well meaning laws, if we run out of money, we run out of money.
Associated Press |
3) Bush's Democracy projects, to try and change the world.
We won the war in Iraq against Saddham Hussein. After 8 long years, Obama finished the policies (badly, which I'll get to.) declaring that the mission has been accomplished.
But what is the result of that accomplishment? Thousands of lives lost in Iraq and Afghanistan to bring savages "democracy". As if Democracy is a sacred goal? Democracy is tyranny of the majority. You know what the majority in Iraq wants?
Tyranny of the Caliphate. |
The people have spoken. Democracy is a dangerous ideal, our founders despised direct democracies. (That's why we're a Republic) This is again an issue of empathy versus money. We simply can't free every country from their brutal dictator, and like Iraq, many of these people will just choose another brutal dictator.
associated press |
Conservatives criticize Obama's stimulus, but not Bush's? You wonder why the American's don't see the Republicans as an alternative to the Democrats?
The stimulus delayed the recovery in 2003. Greenspan blamed the war, it was Keynesianism that delayed the recovery. The recovery kicked in to high gear, in late 2004 after the stimulus spending died down. It didn't work for FDR, why would it work now (or then for Bush)?
How can we consistently be against Obama's stimulus, if Bush's was okay?
How can we consistently be against Obama's stimulus, if Bush's was okay? |
Michelle Malkin and Reason both, had great write ups on how Bush completely abandoned the free market principles that made this country great to "save" the free market system. In fact, he set in place policies and government expansion that empowered Obama and his cronies. The Financial Regulations put in place by Barney Frank, and his equally idiotic compatriot Chris Dodd. The two buffoons who didn't see a problem with Fannie and Freddie, wrote 2500 pages of regulations for the banking industry.
It's not talked about much, however the Dodd-Frank financial bill is the Obamacare of the financial world.
Clarion Ledger - Marshall Ramsey |
While this may seem very negative of former President Bush, it's brutally honest. If I had a choice, I'd still vote for Bush over Gore or Kerry in 2004. Just look at the colossal joke that John Kerry is in our State Department. Reflection of past mistakes is necessary if we expect to improve. Bush like Hoover, was a "pre-socializer". Hoover tried to expand Government to help those suffering from the recession. He even started the New Deal. In my opinion, part of being a Constitutional Conservative or Libertarian is being a student of history, and seeing where policies fail, and where they are repeated. Obama similar to FDR tried massive spending to save the economy. By his own graph, we'd be better off today without the stimulus. That doesn't even take into account that Obama's BLS has changed the way the U6 is reported. Labor Force Participation hasn't been at 62.8% since Jimmy Carter.
Remember though, all of the acceptance for Obama's policies came from Bush doing it first. As childish as it is to point your finger at the other guy, and spout, "HE STARTED IT!", Bush truly did start it. Ultimately, that's why Romney was a bad choice for competing for that seat.
Romney passed the predecessor to Obamacare. Ryan accepted stimulus spending for Wisconsin. If the Republican party doesn't differentiate itself from the Democrat party, why would anyone vote for them?
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